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Document and Entity Information
Financial Statements
Notes to Financial Statements
Business Description
Summary of Accounting Policies
Charges and Credits
Fixed Assets
Multiclient Seismic Data
Intangible Assets
Long-term Debt and Debt Facility Agreements
Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities
Stockholders' Equity
Stock-based Compensation Plans
Income Taxes
Leases and Lease Commitments
Segment Information
Pension and Other Benefit Plans
Supplementary Information
Accounting Policies
Summary of Accounting Policies (Policies)
Notes Tables
Summary of Accounting Policies (Tables)
Charges and Credits (Tables)
Inventories (Tables)
Fixed Assets (Tables)
Multiclient Seismic Data (Tables)
Goodwill (Tables)
Intangible Assets (Tables)
Long-term Debt and Debt Facility Agreements (Tables)
Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities (Tables)
Stockholders' Equity (Tables)
Stock-based Compensation Plans (Tables)
Income Taxes (Tables)
Leases and Lease Commitments (Tables)
Segment Information (Tables)
Pension and Other Benefit Plans (Tables)
Supplementary Information (Tables)
Notes Details
Summary of Accounting Policies - Additional Information (Detail)
Summary of Accounting Policies - Reconciliation of Earnings Per Share (Detail)
Summary of Accounting Policies - Schedule of Antidilutive Securities Excluded from Computation of Earnings Per Share (Detail)
Charges and Credits - Summary of Charges and Credits (Detail)
Charges and Credits - Additional Information (Detail)
Inventories - Summary of Inventory (Detail)
Fixed Assets - Summary of Fixed Assets (Detail)
Fixed Assets - Additional Information (Detail)
Multiclient Seismic Data - Change in Carrying Amount of Multiclient Seismic Data (Detail)
Goodwill - Changes in Carrying Amount of Goodwill (Detail)
Intangible Assets - Schedule of Intangible Assets by Major Class (Detail)
Intangible Assets - Additional Information (Detail)
Long-term Debt and Debt Facility Agreements - Long-term Debt (Detail)
Long-term Debt and Debt Facility Agreements - Long-term Debt (Parenthetical) (Detail)
Long-term Debt and Debt Facility Agreements - Additional Information (Detail)
Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities - Additional Information (Detail)
Derivative Instruments and Hedging Activities - Effect of Derivative Instruments Designated as Fair Value Hedges and Not Designated as Hedges on Consolidated Statement of Income (Loss) (Detail)
Stockholders' Equity - Additional Information (Detail)
Stockholders' Equity - Schedule of Accumulated Other Comprehensive Loss (Detail)
Stock-based Compensation Plans - Additional Information (Detail)
Stock-based Compensation Plans - Weighted-Average Assumptions (Detail)
Stock-based Compensation Plans - Options Outstanding and Option Exercisable (Detail)
Stock-based Compensation Plans - Summary of Stock Option Activity (Detail)
Stock-based Compensation Plans - Restricted Stock Transactions (Detail)
Stock-based Compensation Plans - Discounted Stock Purchase Plan Assumptions and Resulting Weighted Average Fair Value (Detail)
Stock-based Compensation Plans - Stock-Based Compensation Expense Recognized in Income (Detail)
Income Taxes - Additional Information (Detail)
Income Taxes - Income (Loss) Before Taxes (Detail)
Income Taxes - Components of Net Deferred Tax Assets (Liabilities) (Detail)
Income Taxes - Components of Tax Expense (Benefit) (Detail)
Income Taxes - Reconciliation of US Statutory Federal Tax Rate (Detail)
Income Taxes - Reconciliation of Liabilities Associated with Uncertain Tax Provisions (Detail)
Income Taxes - Tax Years Subject to Examination by Tax Authorities (Detail)
Leases and Lease Commitments - Additional Information (Detail)
Leases and Lease Commitments - Maturities of Operating Lease Liabilities (Detail)
Segment Information - Schedule of Segment Reporting Information, by Segment (Detail)
Segment Information - Schedule of Segment Reporting Information, by Segment (Parenthetical) (Detail)
Segment Information - Revenue by Geographic Area (Detail)
Segment Information - Additional Information (Detail)
Segment Information - Summary of North America and International Revenue Disaggregated by Segment (Detail)
Segment Information - Fixed Assets Less Accumulated Depreciation by Geographic Area (Detail)
Pension and Other Benefit Plans - Weighted-Average Assumed Discount Rate, Compensation Increases and Expected Long-Term Rate of Return on Plan Assets Used to Determine Net Pension Cost for US and International Plans (Detail)
Pension and Other Benefit Plans - Net Pension Cost (Credit) for Schlumberger Pension Plans and US Postretirement Medical Plan (Detail)
Pension and Other Benefit Plans - Weighted-Average Assumed Discount Rate and Compensation Increases Used to Determine Projected Benefit Obligations for US and International Plans (Detail)
Pension and Other Benefit Plans - Changes in Projected Benefit Obligation, Plan Assets and Funded Status of Plans (Detail)
Pension and Other Benefit Plans - Additional Information (Detail)
Pension and Other Benefit Plans - Weighted-Average Allocation of Plan Assets and Target Allocation by Asset Category (Detail)
Pension and Other Benefit Plans - Fair Value of Schlumberger's Pension Plan Assets (Detail)
Pension and Other Benefit Plans - Defined Benefit Plan Weighted Average Assumptions Used in Calculating Benefit Obligation and Net Periodic Benefit Cost For US Postretirement Medical Plan (Detail)
Pension and Other Benefit Plans - Changes in Accumulated Postretirement Benefit Obligation, Plan Assets and Funded Status (Detail)
Pension and Other Benefit Plans - Expected Benefits to be Paid Under US and International Pension Plans and Postretirement Medical Plan (Detail)
Supplementary Information - Cash Paid (Refunded) for Interest and Income Taxes (Detail)
Supplementary Information - Interest and Other Income (Detail)
Supplementary Information - Change in Allowance for Doubtful Accounts (Detail)
Supplementary Information - Additional Information (Detail)
Supplementary Information - Accounts Payable and Accrued Liabilities (Detail)
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